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According to local officials in Ishikawa Prefecture, more than 100 businesses have decided to close. This is since the Noto Peninsula earthquake happened on Jan. 1.
Many business owners are giving up on rebuilding their businesses. This is because people are leaving the affected areas due to slow reconstruction work.
As of May 27, the number of businesses that had decided to close was at least 48 in the city of Suzu, 38 in the city of Wajima, 16 in the town of Noto and 10 in the town of Anamizu.
According to a survey in Suzu, of 533 businesses, 33 had already closed, 15 were planning to close, and 87 had stopped operations.
The main reason for closing businesses was the local market getting smaller due to people leaving the city.
In Anamizu, 224 businesses have restarted operations, but their sales are slow.
本文のare giving up on rebuilding their businessesは「会社の再建をあきらめている」ということ。give up on ~ingは「~をあきらめる」という意味。give up ~ing(~することをやめる)よりも、onを使う方がより希望を捨てたりあきらめたりする感じが強い。
◆She gave up on finding a new job.
◆He gave up smoking ten years ago.